Since my last post a lot of things have happened so let's see if I can catch you all up on the news from this part of the globe.
First, our Thanksgiving meal was great, the fellowship awesome and the food delicious. We had so many leftovers. (I still have bread in my freezer from the meal.) The next day, the ladies from our congregation had their Christmas get together. It was a lot of fun and the food was really good. (no leftovers though) the waiter was patient with us and even took some pictures for us.
Next, the play for Christmas is coming along. The children are learning their parts and they are doing a great job. I am directing the same play in two different churches so there are two groups of children. (Now if only I could remember what I was doing.) I was able to use my new piano and make recordings of all the songs so I don't have to be in two places at once. (Not an easy thing to do as all you moms know.) I am working on a special present for the kids. I can't say what because some of them read my blog. (Sorry you will just have to wait till Christmas.)
Lastly, do you remember my blog from September that mentioned my veranda had flooded. Weeeeelllll, it happened again, but because we had so much rain it came in my house through the drain spouts. I had water all over the kitchen and flowing down the front steps to my front door. I am so thankful that the Portuguese manner of construction calls for tile in every room. Can you imagine if it had been carpet. I am so thankful that nothing was ruined and only needed time to correct. (that and an unblocked drain so the veranda could go back to being a veranda and not a lake.) Oh well, ain't life fun. (Sorry mom for the ain't. I know you raised me to talk better than that, but it just seemed to fit. So please forgive me.) So that was how my week went. How was yours?
1 comment:
Sounds like you've been busy!
So sorry to hear about your little flood, what a bummer. Our house would have been destroyed as we have hard wood floors.
Can't wait to see those Christmas gifts your making for the kiddos. How sweet!
Have a great weekend!
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