Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Holidays

The Christmas Program went amazingly well. The children had memorized their lines very well and even the smallest person did an excellent job. We had lots of visitors and a guest speaker. He is a missionary here and living by faith. So the congregation took up a food offering for him and his family. We also bought presents for his two sons. We had a food fellowship afterwards. It was a great time of fellowship.

We are moving to a new building. The old one is very small and the children's classroom is right next to the auditorium. It is very hard to keep kids quite so they don't interrupt the services. The new building has an upstairs and a downstairs. This allows the children to be downstairs and the adults upstairs and I have tried it out, very little noise is heard upstairs even when the basement is full of adults not trying to be quiet. YES!!

When I get pictures. I will post them here on the blog.

As far as my knitting goes I have started a new blog with my knitting projects. So if you want to see what is on my needles you can go to the new blog. It is called Knit and Learn.

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