Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baptism and Super Church

Last Sunday, we had a service in conjuction with all the other congregations that make up the church with which we work. Two men were baptized and an offering for missions was taken up. The pastor preached on GO from Matthew 28 and two ladies were saved. One of them was the wife of one of the men baptized. We had a great service!

I am also involved in something we call Super Church. It is church for children. This is something new we are starting up and will take place during the main service for adults. We are very excited about this new venture and have been working hard on special themes, getting songs together, coordinating the people involved, and planning a special service for March. This special service will allow the children to invite their friends and family to a service where the Gospel will be preached. Please pray for us as we go forward that we will follow the Lord's leading and reach many children for Him.

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